Menopause symptoms could predict heart disease

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A study of menopausal women examined the link of mood, symptoms, and quality of life measures with the key markers of vascular aging, menopause transition is marked with a number of adverse health effects like hot flashes and depression to vascular aging- artery stiffening and endothelial dysfunction.

Vascular dysfunction across the stages of the menopausal transition is associated with menopausal symptoms and quality of life, arterial stiffening and vascular dysfunction were associated with more frequent and severe menopause symptoms and a lower quality of life. The frequency, but not severity, of hot flashes is associated with greater arterial stiffening and reduced endothelial function.

Perimenopausal and early menopausal women are more vulnerable to increased risk of cardiovascular disease because of fluctuating and declining estrogen during the menopause transition. It is important to monitor mood, blood pressure, lipids, blood sugars, and body composition because of the increased risk of abdominal fat. Healthy diet and exercise  can control the condition.