How HIV affects the immune system

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Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus that causes HIV and later AIDS. Early signs of HIV are: fever, joint pain, sore throat and skin rashes.

A T-cell is a type of lymphocyte – white blood cell that defend the body against disease, HIV infects a cell by attaching itself to T-cell, multiplies its virus and destroy the T-cell.

CD4 count shows the strength of one’s immune system which is between 500 1500 for healthy people, being infected with HIV without treatment will reduce the count below 200.

 HIV  exposes the infected person to opportunistic  infections like: pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, thrush, and tuberculosis.

Presently, there is no cure for HIV. Antiretroviral therapy is recommended for people living with HIV virus.

Common side effects of Antiretroviral drugs are: glucose intolerance, kidney failure, hepatitis of the liver, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, anemia and inflamed pancreas.