Cure for tonsil stones

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Tonsil stones are hard deposits form on the the tonsils, in the back of the throat. It is called tonsilloliths.

The deposits are made from calcium salts, bacteria and mucus which can collect on the soft tissue of the tonsils.

If tonsil stones get too big, they can cause difficulty swallowing and can even cause a sore throat.

Tonsils may cause bad breadth,
Tonsil stones consisting of partially calcified debris and rich in anaerobic bacteria, may develop in tonsillar crypts, and be released into the oral cavity.

Good oral hygiene can prevent tonsil stones from forming. Size and shape of
tonsils, having overactive salivary glands, sinus and bacteria infections can increase the risk of developing tonsil stones.

 Apple cider vinegar could help relieve some symptoms of indigestion.