Heart disease and diabetes can be prevented by traditional Chinese medicine

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Traditional Chinese medicines could prevent heart disease and the progression of pre-diabetes.

Some herbal treatments proved as effective in lowering blood pressure as Western drugs and improved heart health by lowering cholesterol.

Chinese medicines could be used alongside conventional treatments,  or
they can be use as an alternative for patients intolerant of Western drugs.

The Chinese have used herbs for treating diseases for many years.
The blood pressure-lowering effect of herb zhongfujiangya was found to be similar to that of oral anti-hypertension medication benazeprilm, which goes by the brand name Lotensin.

 Patients treated for eight weeks with herbal tiankuijiangya had a lower reading than those given a placebo.
Herbal Jiangya tablets were found to significantly lower systolic blood pressure.

The herb Jiangyabao also had a significant effect compared to a placebo, but overall, compared to the drug Nimodipine, a calcium channel blocker, Qiqilian  capsules also proved more effective compared to a placebo.

Some remedies – such as tangzhiping and tianqi – might prevent the progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes.

The researchers looked at research on dyslipidemia, the term for unbalanced or unhealthy cholesterol levels. They
discovered that jiangzhitongluo, salviamiltiorrhiza and pueraria lobata, and zhibitai capsule all have a potent lipid-lowing effect.

Some traditional Chinese medicines such as qiliqiangxin, nuanxin, shencaotongmai, and yangxinkang, might be effective in improving function in patients with chronic heart failure.
