How bacteria prevents ovulation and embryo implanting

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Bacteria that causes gum infections can makes conception difficult. Women with bacteria that causes gum disease P. Gingivalis may not become pregnant within 12 months.

Women with the bug, disease of the gum and underlying bone may not become pregnant within 12 months.
Researchers believe that infection in the gums and jawbone leads to inflammation in the body and the inflammation may prevent ovulation.

 Periodontal bacteria may have a systemic effect on conception even before signs of gum disease. Women
of reproductive age are expected to take care of their oral health and attend periodontal evaluations.

Researchers examined 256 healthy non-pregnant women aged between 19 and 42 who had stopped contraception and were trying to get pregnant. The health of their mouths and gums, as well as their reproductive organs, were examined.

 P Gingivalis was detected in the saliva of women who did not become pregnant during the one-year follow-up period than those who became pregnant.

 Researchers discovered that women who either had P. Gingivalis in their saliva or antibodies indicating they had been infected by P Gingivalis, were three times less likely to get pregnant within 12 months.