Fish consumption ease arthritis pain

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Regular consumption of fish ease joints pain caused by arthritis and prevents rheumatoid arthritis. Fish rich in Omega 3 oil are tuna, salmon, sardines, sashimi, sushi, trout, sole, halibut, grouper and poke.

Levels of inflammation will be lower with daily consumption of fish rich in omega 3. Researchers discovered that
eating fish at least twice weekly led to a reduction in disease activity among people with rheumatoid arthritis compared with eating fish less than once per month.

 Researchers analyzed data from 176 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, food frequency questionnaire was used to gather information on participants’ fish intake.

They were divided into four groups based on the frequency of their fish consumption: never to once per month; once each month to less than once per week; once each week; and more than twice per week.

Compared with participants who never ate fish or ate it less than once every month, the researchers discovered that participants who consumed fish more than twice each week showed significantly lower disease activity.