Vitamin C can stop the spread of blood cancer

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Faulty stem cells in bone marrow often multiply, increasing the growth of fatal tumours. The diseases can lead to anaemia and bleeding as abnormal stem cells multiply in the bone marrow and interfere with blood cell production.

Vitamin C can kill and prevents the spread of the tumours. Vitamin C found in high levels in kale, oranges and peppers could prevents blood cancer but it is impossible to get the required amount through fruits and vegetables in high quantities.

High quantities of vitamin C required for killing the tumours can be given by injecting cancer patients intravenously, the patients can get up to 500 times the amount they would get through eating fruit and vegetables.

Vitamin C prevents the breakdown of glucose, the mitochondria – the strength of the cancer cells are unable to gain vital energy it needs to grow with vitamin C injection.

Researchers discovered that vitamin C suppressed the growth of leukaemia cancer stem cells from human patients implanted into the mice. Combining vitamin C with a cancer drug is more effective in cancer treatment.