Immune cells hinder metabolism in adult

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Older people do not burn the energy stored in fat cells as efficiently as younger people, this leads to the accumulation of harmful belly fat. The underlying cause for this unresponsiveness in fat cells was unknown.

Researchers discovered a new type of macrophage that resides on the nerves in belly fat. These nerve-associated macrophages become inflamed with age and do not allow the neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers, to function properly.
The researchers also isolated the immune cells from fat tissue of young and old mice, and then sequenced the genome to understand the problem.

They discovered that the aged macrophages can break down the neurotransmitters called catecholamines, and thus do not allow fat cells to supply the fuel when needed. Lowering a specific receptor that controls inflammation, the NLRP3 inflammasome, in aged macrophages, the catecholamines could act to induce fat breakdown, similar to that of young mice.

Researchers blocked an enzyme that is increased in aged macrophages, restoring normal fat metabolism in older mice, monoamine oxidase and MAOA, is prevented by existing drugs in the treatment of depression. When immune cell interact with nerves and fat cells to reduce belly fat, this enhance metabolism, improve performance and belly fat loss in older people.