Fat cells for treating leukemia

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Killing cancer cells indirectly by powering up fat cells in the bone marrow could help acute myeloid leukemia patients. Researchers discovered that boosting adipocytes, or fat cells, located in the bone morrow suppressed cancerous leukemia cells.

The production of healthy red blood cells is critical for those with acute myeloid leukemia but is sometimes overlooked as conventional treatments focus on killing the leukemia cells alone. Patients with this disease suffer from anemia and infection due to the failure of healthy blood production.

A drug used to moderate diabetes that induces fat cell production in the bone marrow was used for leukemia patients and was found to help foster red blood cell production as well as suppress leukemic disease.

The drug suppressed the cancer cells and bolstered the healthy cells, allowing them to regenerate in the new drug-induced environment. The drug activates blood regeneration and may provide benefits for those waiting for bone marrow transplants by activating their healthy cells.