Moderate drinking of red wine reserves ovaries

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Moderate drinking of red wine can increase the chance of conceiving, there is a link between drinking of red wine and healthy ovaries that produce more eggs. Researchers studied different women of reproductive age and measured their antral follicle count- ovarian reserve.

Antral follicle count AFC is the standard way of assessing a woman’s fertility. This is the ovaries’ capacity to make healthy egg cells, which is measured by counting the antral follicles that produce them.

Women who drank moderate amounts of red wine were found to have the highest ovarian reserve. Red wine intake is associated with ovarian reserve as measured by AFC. Anti-inflammatory compound- resveratrol in red wine may be responsible for this.

Drinking small amount of red wine might reserve ovaries. Apart from red wine, healthy lifestyle and eating of balanced diet especially plant based protein can increase the chance of conceiving.