Symptoms of Marburg virus

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Marburg and Ebola viruses are considered to be zoonotic infections (transmitted to humans from life cycles in other animals). Although it is unclear as to which animals contain both Marburg and Ebola, it is thought that both may be transmitted to humans from monkeys and bats.

Humans may contract these viruses from other animals by eating them or by contamination of animal body fluids, human-to-human transfer occurs by direct contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids for example, saliva, tears, excretions, vomitus, and blood.

The Marburg viruses are not thought to be spread by air droplets. The symptoms of Marburg virus infection usually come on suddenly after an incubation period of about five to ten days. Early symptoms are fever, headache and muscle aches.

Other symptoms are: rash on the chest, back, and stomach in some individuals. Others are: nausea, vomiting, chest pain, sore throat, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Symptoms continue and can become severe; they include: jaundice, pancreatic inflammation, severe weight loss, delirium, liver failure, massive hemorrhaging with organ dysfunction.