Control diabetes with diet and exercise

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According to latest research, dieting and regular exercise can be more effective at controlling type 2 diabetes than medication. Patients who take part in weight loss programmes are less likely to need drugs and tend to have healthier blood sugar levels. Regular exercise and cognitive behavioural therapy helps people to lose weight.

A sensible diet can control diabetes more effectively than drugs, people who completed the weeks regime saw no increase in the diabetes pills they had to take. They were also half as likely to see their condition progress to the extent that they needed to take insulin.

A single workout could save your life, diabetes sufferers who lost at least 11lb also had a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels in the following three years. A real-life structured weight management intervention can reduce weight in the medium term, result in improved glycaemic control with fewer medications, and may be more effective than pharmacological alternatives.

The course involved 90-minute classes every fortnight for four months, in which patients were given exercise advice and told to follow a diet of 1,400 calories a day for women and 1,900 a day for men.
They also underwent cognitive behavioural therapy to help them lose weight. Study leader Dr Jennifer Logue, from the University of Glasgow, said: ‘This is the first real-world study to show that the lifestyle weight management programmes delivered in the NHS can have a long-lasting meaningful clinical effect.’