Multiple-treatmemt approach for prostate cancer

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UCLA researchers have discovered that a combination of high doses of radiotherapy and hormonal therapy that provides the best way of decreasing the mortality rate of men with aggressive prostate cancer. Multimodal treatment approach has the best chance of preventing metastatic disease and improving overall long-term survival.

Gleason grading system is used to evaluate the prognosis of prostate cancer; the higher the Gleason score, the more likely it is that the cancer will grow and spread quickly. In the study, patients with the best outcomes were those who received an aggressive therapy that included extremely dose-escalated radiotherapy along with hormonal therapy.

The effectiveness of these approaches is of greater importance for the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer, which are more likely to lead to metastatic disease. The UCLA-led team analyzed different men who were treated for Gleason score 9-10 prostate cancer from 2000 to 2013 at UCLA . The findings specifically included advanced prostate cancer patients who were treated since 2000 because the standard of care for these patients has significantly improved over time.

The scientists used institutional databases to identify patients and obtained clinical follow-up reports to assess long-term treatment outcomes. The new findings have the potential to provide multimodal therapeutic approach for the effectiveness of various treatment options.