Foods may delay menopause

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According to experts, high levels of antioxidants in oily fish, pulses and green vegetables protect cells. Diet rich in oily fish and green beans could delay the menopause while excess intake of refined carbohydrates such as pasta and white rice can leads to premature menopause.

Good antioxidants protect ovaries and lead to a longer menstruation period, menopause occurs when oestrogen levels fall, typically between 45 and 55, which leads to periods stopping, hot flushes, sweating and the inability to have children naturally.

Researchers from the University of Leeds used data from 14,000 women in the UK and a follow-up survey four years later. More than 900, between the ages of 40 and 65, had experienced a natural start to the menopause in that time.

Increase intake of salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, swordfish, fresh tuna, peas, lentils, chickpeas, green beans, black beans, peanuts
chicken, turkey, beef, grapes, berries, oranges and cherries to delay menopause. Avoid pasta, white rice, white bread, bagels, cakes and biscuits. Regular intake of vitamin B6 and zinc, found in poultry, beef, fish, green beans, peas, vegetables, seeds and avocados, also delay menopause.

Antioxidants delay natural damage to the body’s DNA. Green beans and peas contain antioxidants, while omega 3 fatty acids, which are abundant in oily fish stimulate antioxidant activity in the body. But refined carbohydrates boost the risk of insulin resistance, which can interfere with sex hormone activity and boost oestrogen levels. This may increase the number of menstrual cycles and deplete egg supply faster.