According to a new study, anxiety may increase the risk of weak and fragile bones in women. Women lose bone density rapidly after menopause making the bones more breakable and leading to osteoporosis. Post-menopausal plunge of estrogen which decreases bone mass may results in osteoporosis.
Anxiety disorders and osteoporosis affect women differently, levels of anxiety and stress can have measurable and detrimental effects on the body. Under stress, the body releases a hormone, called cortisol. It is responsible for high blood sugar, low libido, acne and raises risks for obesity in people who are chronically stressed.
The negative effects of stress hormones on bone status can enhance fracture risk in women. When a woman goes through menopause, different changes occur in her body, those changes are driven by precipitous drops in the female sex hormone, estrogen. Women’s bones become fully mature around 30, but after menopause, bones start to break down more quickly than new bone cells are produced.
The risk of an early menopause can be reduced by eating oily fish and eggs, high intake of vitamin D via food and supplements lowers the risk. Early menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. Women with relatively high levels of anxiety were at risk of getting bone fracture, (hip) lower levels of vitamin D in anxious women makes their bodies to struggle to break down calcium.