Vitamin D deficiency may cause large waistline

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Higher levels of belly fat are associated with lower vitamin D levels in obese individuals, data presented in Barcelona at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018 shows that vitamin D levels are lower in individuals with higher levels of belly fat, and suggests that overweight people with larger waistlines should have their vitamin D levels checked, to avoid health damaging effects.

Obesity is a global epidemic and contributes to an estimated 2.8 million deaths per year worldwide. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with impaired bone health, higher risks of acute respiratory tract infections, auto-immune diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Researchers from the VU University Medical Center and Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands examined how the amount of total body fat and abdominal fat measured in participants of the Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity study related to their vitamin D levels.

After adjusting for a number of possible influencing factors, including chronic disease, alcohol intake and levels of physical activity, they found that the amounts of total and abdominal fat were associated with lower vitamin D levels in women, although abdominal fat had a greater impact. However, in men abdominal fat and liver fat, was associated with lower vitamin D levels. In all cases the greater the amount of belly fat, the lower the levels of vitamin D detected.