Plastic food packaging may be carcinogenic

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According to the World Health Organization WHO, plastic packaging, disposable cups and rubber contain a chemical which probably gives people cancer. Styrene, used to make latex, synthetic rubber and polystyrene resins – which make disposable plastic packing has been upgraded to carcinogenic for humans.

The chemical had spent 40 years classified as cancer-causing, research reveals people exposed to styrene at work have increased risk of leukaemia and nasal cancer. People may come in contact with styrene in polluted air, or from printers, photocopiers or cigarette smoke.

Styrene exposure raises the risk of leukaemia and nasal cancer, research also found a fivefold increase in the risk of sinonasal adenocarcinoma – nasal cancer – among those who are exposed to styrene in the plastic industry. Styrene is included in synthetic rubber, some insulation materials, disposable cutlery, plastic packaging and fiberglass plastic.

The users may consume small amounts of the chemical if it gets into food in polystyrene containers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, research by the CDC in 2003/2004 found fewer than half of people have measurable levels of styrene in their body, and even those who do will not necessarily see any effect on their health.