Mangoes improve gut and cardiovascular health in women

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A new study conducted at the University of California found that two cups of mangoes a day had beneficial effects on systolic blood pressure among healthy postmenopausal women. Mango consumption helped relax blood vessels in as little as two hours after intake. It also changes  the production of breath methane, an indication of the potential influence on gut fermentation.

Mangos contain a mix of polyphenols, including mangiferin, quercetin, gallotannins, and gallic acid, that have been the focus of previous investigations exploring the potential health-protecting properties of mangos. Researchers believe the concentration of these bioactive compounds in mangos may be responsible for the favorable response.

In the study, 24 healthy postmenopausal women consumed 330 grams (2 cups) of mango daily for 14 days. The honey mango- Ataulfo was chosen for the study due to the high concentration of polyphenols in this popular variety. Following the 14 days of mango consumption, the study participants resumed their normal daily diet but eliminated mango intake for 13 days. Measurements were taken during each visit, including heart rate and blood pressure, blood samples and breath samples, which are increasingly used in nutrition studies to evaluate gut health status.

At the start of the study, blood pressure was not significantly different between the study visits. Yet once mango was consumed, systolic blood pressure was significantly lower two hours after mango intake compared to baseline values. Pulse pressure was also significantly reduced two hours after eating mango. Systolic blood pressure (the upper number in blood pressure readings) indicates how much pressure the blood is exerting against the artery walls when the heart beats.

Breath levels of hydrogen and methane were measured, which reflect the amount of these gases that were produced due to microbial fermentation in the intestinal tract. Some study participants produced hydrogen, some produced methane, and others produced both gases or neither of them.

Six of the 24 participants produced methane, and of these six, three shown significant reduction after consuming mango, which is considered a favorable outcome for gut health. Mangoes may be a heart-healthy fruit that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.