Cloud of germs and chemicals in human are different

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The human “exposome”- the collection of microbes, plant particles and chemicals that accompanies people as they move around. In the study, a small group of volunteers wore monitors with a special filter that trapped particles from the air around them as they went about doing their normal activities.

Genetic analysis of those samples showed that individual carried a diverse cloud of bacteria, viruses, fungi, plant particles, chemicals and microscopic animals. The exact makeup of that exposome varied substantially from person to person even  if they though they live under the same roof.

There are invisible organisms and chemicals in the atmosphere, health is totally dependent on genes and environment. Researchers gathered information from 14 people who wore matchbook-sized monitors on their arms for anywhere from a week to a month. The devices contained filters that captured particulate matter from the surrounding air. Those samples were brought back to the lab for genetic analyses and chemical “profiling.”

They discovered that people’s exposomes were diverse in the types of micro-organisms and chemicals they contained; although, the chemical DEET, an insect repellent, was ubiquitous. The makeup of the exposome seemed to depend on factors like weather, travel, pets and household chemicals.

Several known carcinogens turned up in most of the chemical samples, carrying around a cloud of bacteria, fungi and chemicals makes could be harmless or even beneficial. Some bacteria make people sick, many are “good” and necessary to remain healthy.Individual’s exposome is not static; It is “dynamic,” constantly changing over a lifetime.