Women may age slower than men

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Women have some natural physical advantages over men that increase their longevity, researchers have looked at the rate of cellular aging. One of the biological differences from birth is that women have longer telomeres (the endcaps of DNA strands that protect chromosomes from deterioration). Researchers have long understood the importance of telomeres in healthy longevity.

Recent studies have focused on factors that affect telomere length and what can be done to protect them. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect chromosomes, DNA strands will become damaged and cells will not be able to function properly without telomeres. Telomeres protect chromosome ends from DNA degradation, DNA repair mechanism and fusion with other chromosomal ends.

Cell division reduces the size of telomeres ascular disease and, in many instances, a longer life for both men and women. Some experimental studies suggest estrogen exposure increases the activity of telomerase, the enzyme that can protect and elongate telomeres. Telomeres can be shortened prematurely by stress and chronic or childhood psychological adversity. Maintaining healthy lifestyle and eating healthy diet can make telomeres to regrow.
