Relationship between screen media use and ADHD in children

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There is relationship between children’s screen media use and ADHD-related behaviours. According to researchers from the UvA’s Center for research on Children, Adolescents and the Media (CcaM), there is relationship between children’s screen media use and ADHD-related behaviours. The effects of programme pacing and violent content on ADHD-related behaviour is still not clearly understood, and much remains unknown about how individual differences in temperament, development and social factors influence such behaviours.

The researchers called for a systematic series of empirical studies on the relationship between screen media use and ADHD. There has been a significant increase in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This has led scholars and healthcare professionals alike to repeatedly attribute the increase to the violent, arousing and fast-paced nature of screen media entertainment.

UvA researchers did a systematic review of four decades of scientific research on the relationship between children’s screen media use and ADHD-related behavior such as hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention problems. The researchers used Differential Susceptibility to Media effects Model (DSMM) to systematically organise the literature, identify possible shortcomings and to point the way for future research.

The scientific literature revealed evidence that points to a statistically small relationship between screen media use and ADHD-related behavior. It also showed that individual differences like gender or aggressive traits can influence this relationship.