HIV life cycle

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A new research has revealed details about the HIV virus capsid structure and how it develops. A capsid is a protein shell that encloses a virus’s genetic blueprint. The study, led by Cornell University scientists focused on the role of a naturally occurring, small molecule called IP6.

The researchers found that IP6 plays an important part in the immature and mature phases of the HIV life cycle as the virus assembles its structure. The molecule acts in two different assembly steps in the pathway, acell can make millions of virus particles, but if they don’t go through the maturation process, they are not infectious.

The discovery of the key role played by IP6 could leads to development of new treatments that would target that molecule. Researchers conducted computational and analytical work for the research project, using supercomputers to model the capsid of the HIV virus and the role of IP6 in its assembly.

The computational microscope [the use of laboratory data in combination with supercomputers], shows see how things move. Researchers used Extreme Science and Engineering Environment (XSEDE) project funded by the National Science Foundation, which allocates supercomputer resources to specific research problems.