A-Fib Tied to Higher Odds for Dementia

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Atrial fibrillation makes heart beats irregularly and increases mental decline adult, it forms blood clot ans cause stroke. Researchers collected data on  2,700 Swedes, average age 73. Participants were examined at the beginning of the study and after six years if they were younger than 78 or every three years for those older than that. None had  dementia at the outset, and 9 percent had atrial fibrillation.

Over the study period, an additional 11 percent developed  A-fib,and 15 percent developed dementia. The researchers found that thinking and memory skills declined faster among those who had atrial fibrillation. They were 40 percent more likely to develop dementia than those without the heart condition.

Those who took blood thinners because of the heart disorder had a 60 percent lower risk of developing dementia — 11 percent taking anti-clot drugs developed dementia compared to 22 percent not taking them. No decreased risk was seen among those taking  aspirin. Atrial fibrillation is linked with formation of clots that travel to the brain.
