Engineers develop process to 3-D print cells to produce human tissue such as ligaments and tendons

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A team of University of Utah biomedical engineers have developed a method to 3-D-print cells to produce human tissue such as ligaments and tendons, a process that will greatly improve a patient’s recovery. A person with a badly damaged ligament, tendon, or ruptured disc could simply have new replacement tissue printed and ultimately implanted in the damaged area.

It will allow patients to receive replacement tissues without additional surgeries and without having to harvest tissue from other sites. The 3-D-printing method, which took two years to research, involves taking stem cells from the patient’s own body fat and printing them on a layer of hydrogel to form a tendon or ligament which would later grow in vitro in a culture before being implanted.

Researchers used a 3-D printer from Carterra typically used to print antibodies for cancer screening applications and developed a special printhead for the printer that can lay down human cells in the controlled manner they require. To prove the concept, the team printed out genetically-modified cells that glow a fluorescent color so they can visualize the final product.

Replacement tissue for patients can be harvested from another part of the patient’s body or sometimes from a cadaver, but they may be of poor quality. Spinal discs are complicated structures with bony interfaces that must be recreated to be successfully transplanted. This 3-D-printing technique can solve those problems. The current technology is designed for creating ligaments, tendons and spinal discs, the technology in the printhead could be adapted for any kind of 3-D printer.