Side effects of cataract surgery

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Cataracts form when the proteins in the eye’s lens clump together, stopping light from passing through and turning the lens cloudy. Sight becomes blurred and colours are washed out.

During surgery, the clouded lens is replaced with an artificial one and recovery usually takes four to six weeks. Most people will still need to wear glasses for some tasks, such as reading, so I am pleased to hear you have been able to dispense with your reading glasses.

About 10 per cent of people have watery or weeping eyes, known as epiphora, afterwards, although it is thought that some may have had the problem before the operation. Causes include blepharitis, in which inflammation of the eyelids affects the structure of the film of tears that naturally lubricates the surface of the eye.

The tear film is made up of three layers, including an oily outer coating that stops the tears from leaking out over the eyelashes. However, when the eyelids are inflamed, the oil-producing glands along their edges may fail, leading to some of the tears spilling out of the lower lid and on to the face.

Lack of oil can also make the eyes feel dry, leading to the confusing combination of watery and dry eye. Other causes of weeping eyes include partial blockage of the nasolacrimal duct, which drains tears away from the eye, and narrowing of the punctum, the tear duct opening that channels tears into the duct.

These can be treated by a minor procedure to stretch the entrance to the channel; this can be carried out by your ophthalmologist as an out-patient.
You say that you have also become so sensitive to light that you have to wear sunglasses indoors. This sensitivity, or photo- phobia, can occur when the iris becomes inflamed (iritis) after cataract surgery.