Do not put parsley or other vegetables in your vagina

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Doctors are warning women to not take the ‘irresponsible’ advice of putting parsley in their vagina to kick-start their period.The bizarre suggestion was made by women’s magazine Marie Claire alongside other recommendations using food, drink and exercise.

Women may want to make their period come sooner as a means of controlling their cycle ahead of a holiday or special event. According to the article, parsley is an emmenagogue – a substance that increases menstrual flow – which can ‘soften the cervix and level out hormonal imbalances’.

But doctors have now urged women to never insert vegetables into the vagina, as it could lead to health risks – including potentially death. Dr Shazia Malik, a London-based obstetrician-gynaecologist, told The Independent: ‘There is no evidence of any benefit to a woman of doing this, and clear risk of significant harm as deaths have been reported.
‘I would urge women not to insert anything unless they have taken proper medical advice.

Parsley can help to soften the cervix and level out hormonal imbalances that could be delaying your cycle, helping your period come faster. ‘If you’re struggling to find a dish based on parsley, don’t panic – the most effective forms are said to be parsley tea and parsley vaginal inserts.’ Emmenagogues are defined in herbal medicine as a stimulant for menstrual flow but have no scientific studies to support this, and it is not used in practices.

Parsley has been used before as a herbal-medicine to induce home abortions, seen as ‘risk-free’ because it is natural. But in August last year, it was reported that a 24-year-old mother-of-two from Argentina had died after trying to induce a miscarriage by using parsley.
Her death happened a week after the Argentine Senate rejected a bill that would have legalised abortion up to 14 weeks.

Clairín, Argentina’s largest newspaper, reported that the victim, only referred to as Elizabeth, died of septic shock and infection. Dr Newman said there are ways to manipulate the menstrual cycle, you can discuss with your gynaecologist.’