In a large new Kaiser Permanente study, children who were up to date on their pertussis vaccine schedule were far
Day: June 10, 2019
Our water cycle diagrams give a false sense of water security
Pictures of the earth’s water cycle used in education and research throughout the world are in urgent need of updating

More support needed to increase HIV testing in GP practices
One-off training sessions for GPs are not enough to increase rates of HIV testing in general practice and greater support

Night owls can ‘retrain’ their body clocks to improve mental well-being and performance
A simple tweak to the sleeping patterns of ‘night owls’ — people with extreme late sleeping and waking habits —
Tart cherry shown to decrease joint pain, sore muscles in some breast cancer patients
Tart cherry reduces the musculoskeletal effects of aromatase inhibitors in patients with non-metastatic breast cancer, according to new findings from
Medical News Today: How ultrasound could help curb Parkinson’s
Mouse study shows that focused ultrasound and injected microbubbles can help curb early Parkinson’s disease by allowing drugs to access

Struggling to find a fix for type 2 diabetes
Intervening aggressively to roll back the onset of type 2 diabetes does works in adults, but once the medication and
Undetected diabetes linked to heart attack and gum disease
People with undetected glucose disorders run a higher risk of both myocardial infarction and periodontitis, according to a study published
Predicting seizures before they happen
A new study has found a pattern of molecules that appear in the blood before a seizure happens. This discovery
Medical News Today: Civil War plant guide reveals 3 plants with antibiotic properties
To tackle the antibiotic resistance crisis, researchers have turned to plants that people used for treating infections during the American