Scientists at Cincinnati Children’s used human intestinal organoids grown from stem cells to discover how our bodies control the absorption
Day: September 22, 2020
Study suggests regular hot baths are associated with improving various risk factors for type 2 diabetes
New research presented at this year’s Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), held online
New study finds presence of regulatory T cells enables partial recovery from paralysis
In a new University of California, Irvine-led study, researchers have discovered how regulatory T cells (Treg) are instrumental in limiting

Artificial intelligence detects osteoarthritis years before it develops
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering have created a machine-learning
New study reveals why flu can be devastating for pregnant women
New research helps explain why flu can lead to life-threatening complications during pregnancy, suggesting the virus does not stay in
Diabetes dramatically reduces the kidney’s ability clean itself
The kidneys often become bulky and dysfunctional in diabetes, and now scientists have found that one path to this damage

Study reveals type 2 diabetes remission can restore pancreas size and shape
In 2019, research revealed that achieving remission of type 2 diabetes by intensive weight loss can restore the insulin-producing capacity