Is the eye a window to the brain in Sanfilippo syndrome, an untreatable form of childhood-onset dementia, Australian researchers ask
Month: November 2020

Study reveals the impact of systemic inflammation on disease progression
Every year, liver cirrhosis is responsible for approximately 170,000 deaths in Europe and recent epidemiological data show Austria to be

Face masks leave us feeling isolated and stressed, survey reveals
Face coverings, a key tool in our fight against COVID-19, have impeded our ability to hear, understand, engage and connect

Booze robbing many Americans of their sleep
Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have lost sleep because they drank alcohol too close to bedtime, including 1 in 5
Researcher uses fruit for less toxic drug delivery
University of Louisville researchers have found a less toxic way to deliver medicines by using the natural lipids in plants,

WHO warns malaria fight flat-lining
Progress in eliminating malaria has stalled in recent years, the World Health Organization said Monday, with more than 400,000 people
COVID-19 studies should also focus on mucosal immunity, researchers argue
Anyone who has undergone a nasal swab or saliva test for COVID-19 knows that the virus is most easily detected
Deep learning predicts woman’s risk for breast cancer
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have developed a deep learning model that identifies imaging biomarkers on screening mammograms to

Severely obese people with BMIs over 40 should get a Covid vaccine before others
The fattest people in the UK will be prioritised over millions of Britons aged 50 to 65 for a coronavirus vaccine, Government
German researchers compile world’s largest inventory of known plant species
Leipzig could mean for the future of plant taxonomy what Greenwich meant for world time until 1972: it could become