Molecular imaging with 18F-flubatine PET/MRI has shown that neuroreceptors in the brains of individuals with obesity respond differently to food
Month: June 2023
Poverty negatively impacts structural wiring in children’s brains, study indicates
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that growing up in poverty may influence
Chemical imbalance in the forebrain discovered in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have used powerful new brain imaging techniques to reveal a neurochemical imbalance within regions
This patch uses nanomagnets to detect muscle movement through the skin
Using nanomagnets composites and conductive yarn, scientists have invented a smart textile that can sense and measure body movements —
Body’s immune response may offer alternative approach to neuropathic pain therapies
In the midst of a global opioid epidemic, a team of scientists is exploring natural killer (NK) cells as an
Running on fumes? Fruit flies stay sharp by flipping a metabolic switch in the brain
A new study led by scientists from TUD Dresden University of Technology reveals that the cells in the fruit fly
How the brain processes numbers — New procedure improves measurement of human brain activity
Measuring human brain activity down to the cellular level: until now, this has been possible only to a limited extent.
Dogs and humans process body postures similarly in their brains
A study by researchers at the University of Vienna and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna shows that information from
Unsafe feeding methods spiked during infant formula shortage
Nearly half of parents who relied on formula to feed their babies during the infant formula shortage last year resorted
DNA barcoding identifies the plants a person has eaten
What people say they’ve eaten and what they’ve actually eaten are often two very different lists of foods. But a