AI tools that quickly and accurately create detailed narrative reports of a patient’s CT scan or X-ray can greatly ease
Day: August 4, 2023
Modified virtual reality tech can measure brain activity
Researchers have modified a commercial virtual reality headset, giving it the ability to measure brain activity and examine how we
Parasites of viruses drive superbug evolution
Researchers have discovered a previously unknown mechanism by which bacteria share their genetic material through virus parasites. The insights could
Insulin-like hormones critical for brain plasticity
Research from the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience has identified a mechanism through which insulin-like growth factors facilitate brain
Study links long-term artificial sweetener intake to increased body fat adipose tissue volume
Published in the International Journal of Obesity, University of Minnesota Medical School and School of Public Health researchers led a
Scientists uncover a startling–and exploitable–coordination of gene expression in tumors
A Ludwig Cancer Research study has identified a pair of genes whose expression by a type of immune cell within
Deep learning for new protein design
The key to understanding proteins — such as those that govern cancer, COVID-19, and other diseases — is quite simple.
Moderna is safest, most effective mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 for older adults, study shows
While mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 have been found to be safe and effective for the general population, in-depth evidence about
Humans unable to detect over a quarter of deepfake speech samples
The study, published today in PLOS ONE, is the first to assess human ability to detect artificially generated speech in
Modern antidepressants may reduce risk of relapse for patients with bipolar depression
Treatment with modern antidepressants may help prevent patients with bipolar disorder from relapsing into a depressive episode, according to an