A complete blood count (CBC) screening is a routine exam requested by most physicians for healthy adults. This clinical test
Month: December 2024
The distinct nerve wiring of human memory
The black box of the human brain is starting to open. Although animal models are instrumental in shaping our understanding
Persistent tobacco smoking from childhood may cause heart damage by the mid-twenties
The majority of children who started smoking tobacco at age 10 years or in their later teens continued to smoke
Intelligence requires the whole brain
The human brain is the central control organ of our body. It processes sensory information and enables us, among other
Organoids represent the complex cell landscape of pancreatic cancer
A team led by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has, for the first time, grown tumor organoids
Early-onset colorectal cancer cases surge globally
A new study led by American Cancer Society (ACS) researchers shows that early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence rates are rising
New insights about how ‘bad’ cholesterol works in the body
National Institute of Health (NIH)scientists have made a significant breakthrough in understanding how “bad” cholesterol, known as low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol or
The maternal microbiome during pregnancy impacts offspring’s stem cells in mice
Gut microbiome composition during pregnancy has long-term effects on offspring stem cell growth and development, researchers report December 11 in
You are what you eat…and so are your grandkids? Study links poor diet to multi-generational health issues
You are what you eat, as the adage goes. But a new study from Tulane University found that what’s missing
AI thought knee X-rays show if you drink beer — they don’t
Artificial intelligence can be a useful tool to health care professionals and researchers when it comes to interpreting diagnostic images.