You have likely not spent much time thinking about the uterus of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. But then, neither
Author: haleplusadmin
Studying Wikipedia browsing habits to learn how people learn
At one point or another, you may have gone online looking for a specific bit of information and found yourself
Scientific discovery scratching beneath the surface of itchiness
Ever had an itchy nose or, worse, an unreachable spot on your back that drives you mad? Now imagine an
Asthma and fine particulate matter
Asthma is currently an incurable disease that severely impairs quality of life, with recurring symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and
Researchers complete the largest compilation of cancer prevalence across vertebrates
For all its pervasiveness and the efforts to study it, cancer is still somewhat of a mystery. Why do some
Novel role of BRCA1 in tumor suppression
A new study led by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) is
Lymph node-like structures may trigger the demise of cancer tumors
A newly described stage of a lymph node-like structure seen in liver tumors after presurgical immunotherapy may be vital to
Researchers uncover novel role of protein GPNMB in heart repair
UCLA scientists have identified the protein GPNMB as a critical regulator in the heart’s healing process after a heart attack.
Researcher trains AI to predict diarrheal outbreaks related to climate change
Climate change-related extreme weather, such as massive flooding and prolonged drought, often result in dangerous outbreaks of diarrheal diseases particularly
Ultra-sensitive electronic skin modeled after the human brain
Based on joint research with Professor Jaehyuk Lim at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, Professor Youngu Lee