The discovery focused on bacteria called persisters, which are different from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Resistant bacteria possess genetic mutations that directly
Category: Antibiotic resistance

Water and wastewater disinfection can help prevent the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, but what about their genes?
Each year at least 2 million Americans are infected with bacteria that cannot be treated with antibiotics, and at least

Specialist enzymes make E. coli antibiotic resistant at low pH
Scientists long puzzled over why bacteria contain so many “redundant” enzymes. Why make several molecules that do the same job,

Tiny Earth: Advancing antibiotic discoveries through undergraduate research
More and more bacteria are becoming resistant to traditional antibiotics, and this resistance has become a focal point of research

Study Shows Asia, Africa, South America Have Highest Antimicrobial Resistance Levels
Antimicrobial resistance occurs when previously successful treatments to combat microorganisms — including bacteria, viruses and some kinds of parasites —

Bacteria bide their time when antibiotics attack
If an antibiotic doesn’t kill all the bacteria that infects a patient, the surviving bugs may be particularly adept at

Step forward for pneumonia vaccine development
A vaccine against the biggest bacterial killer on the planet is a step closer to being available with funding secured

Scientists found a way to use gene therapy to combat Chlamydia
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in the world. With a growing threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it

Lysin therapy offers new hope for fighting drug-resistant bacteria
Humans are in a constant arms race with infectious bacteria. To kill these disease microbes, we develop powerful antibiotics; and

Researchers cure drug-resistant infections without antibiotics
Biochemists, microbiologists, drug discovery experts and infectious disease doctors have teamed up in a new study that shows antibiotics are