Women who experienced six or more symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point in life had a twofold
Category: Health
Helminthic infections may be beneficial against HIV-1
Infection with parasitic helminths can reduce the susceptibility of T-cells to HIV-1 infection, according to a study published September 5
How the brain filters sounds
The sound environment is extremely dense, which is why the brain has to adapt and implement filtering mechanisms that allow
Link between low language ability and poor mental health
One of the first studies of its kind focusing on South African children’s language ability and mental health outcomes, has
Is laziness a choice or genetic trait?
Regular physical activity is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, a majority of American adults spend their
Acupuncture reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms in rats
A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the Republic of Korea and one from the U.S., has found
How ‘digital pipeline’ automates classification of diabetic kidney disease
A new method that automates the classification of progressive diabetic kidney disease, reducing variability and boosting precision, has been developed
How gut microbes influence response to flu vaccine
A new study in healthy adults suggests that antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. The depletion of
Boosting immunity with ‘tiny fat bubbles’
People living with inflammatory autoimmune disease could benefit from an “immune system reboot,” and researchers have isolated specific cells to
The future of mind control
Electrodes implanted in the brain help alleviate symptoms like the intrusive tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease. But current probes face