Many natural things are kind of disgusting to us. Our cultural traits make it so that we are disgusted by

stay healthy…
Many natural things are kind of disgusting to us. Our cultural traits make it so that we are disgusted by
The team discovered that the placentas of women treated with the drugs didn’t exhibit DNA alterations associated with type 2
Engineers have used microfluidic technology to create a “placenta-on-a-chip” that models how compounds can be passed from a mother to
In a study published in Environment International researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show how PFAS industrial chemicals, which are used in
West Nile and Powassan can spread from an infected pregnant mouse to her fetuses, causing brain damage and fetal death,
A study of hundreds of women, carried out at Imperial College London, found that subtle changes to the bacteria present
Zika virus is known for a recent outbreak that caused children to be born with microencephaly, or having a small
In vitro fertilization IVF increases the risk of women giving birth prematurely. Ten per cent of women who conceived through
Scientist have demonstrated that it is possible to incorporate DNA analysis into antenatal screening for three serious chromosome disorders, including
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to kidneys and liver. Preeclampsia usually