The liver produces bile, which the intestine uses for digestion. For the transport of bile, the liver relies on a
Tag: Liver
How liver and diet cause Alzheimer’s disease
Plasmalogens are created in the liver and are dispersed through the blood stream in the form of lipoproteins, which
Gut microbiome can control antitumor immune function in liver
Scientists have discovered a connection between bacteria in the gut and antitumor immune responses in the liver, bacteria found in
Body shape gene may cause type 2 diabetes
Genetic variations that control KLF14 have little impact on overall weight but have high impact on where in the body
New hepatitis C drug
An affordable hepatitis C combination treatment including the new drug candidate ravidasvir has been shown to be safe and effective,
Belly fat may cause diabetes
A new study at Columbia University Irving Medical Center CUIMC has discovered that the abdominal fat can become dangerous when