Health benefits of keeping dogs

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Dog is one of the common pets in the world, dogs exist in a wide range of colours and sizes, common examples of dogs are: German Shepherd, Doberman pinscher, Beagle, Cocker spaniel, Collie and Welsh corgi.

Beagle and Cocker spaniel are playful family pets that are very useful at home.

Benefits of keeping dogs
• American Heart Association said dogs decrease risk of cardiovascular disease, playing with dogs is a form of exercise.

• Laughing and playing with dogs release serotonin and oxytocin hormone and block cortisol.

•Some beneficial bacteria in dogs are useful for human, keeping and staying with them will give you access to the healthy bacteria.

•Dogs are very sensitive, they can detect burglars easily and prevent intruder from coming closer.

• Trained dogs are used in medicine to detect cancer; they can detect prostrate cancer by smelling the patient’s urine.