The difference between autistic boys and girls

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Autism spectrum disorder ASD is a disorder of nervous system that starts in childhood and lasts throughout a person’s life. ASD affects communication, interaction and social skills.

According to Caroline Rieffe, a psychologist and his colleagues analyzed the behavior of 68 teenagers, girls and boys, and  discovered that girls responded to emotion different from boys.

Girls are able to follow social actions by observing other children and do what they do. They are involved in social play and play with other children, they make friends easily and love to be with their friends.

Interest of girls with ASD are similar to that of normal girls, the intensity of their interests differentiate them from others.

Genes for autism are located on the X chromosome, girls inherit the genes form both parents while boys inherit one from mother, this shows that the X chromosome that girls inherit from their fathers have an imprinted gene which protects the girls from autism.