How the body fight viruses

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Viruses are  very small infectious agents that reproduce and grow inside the living cells of other organisms.

Researchers from the University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology examined the role of piRNA in protecting the genetic information in germ cells.

piRNA is a type of ribonucleic acid that is in testes and ovaries, piRNA prevents genetic sequences of viral intruders from attacking testes and ovaries.

Defects or Mutations in piRNA can cause infertility in humans and others animals, scientists used rooster testes to test effects of piRNA.

They discovered that chicken harbour a lot of viruses and discovered that host of a virus can turn a virus into a source of strength to fight with other viruses in future.

Scientists discovered that chickens turn the old virus in their body to piRNA- producing machine. This shows that human and animal protect themselves by using old virus to protect themselves from new virus attack.