Early to bed is equivalent to healthy sperm

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Men who go to bed before midnight have a better chance of conceiving a child because they have healthier sperm.

Those going to bed before 8pm and 10pm had the best sperm motility, meaning the sperm are better swimmers and have a greater chance of fertilising an egg.

Researchers monitored sleeping patterns in 981 men instructed to go to bed between 8pm and 10pm., between 10pm and midnight, or after midnight.

Scientists took regular semen samples to check sperm count, shape and motility. The results showed men who
went to bed after midnight had lower sperm counts and their sperm died much sooner than in those that go to bed early.

Sleeping for six hours or less – made this even worse, as did lying in bed for more than nine hours.

Late bedtimes and inadequate rest are harmful because they increase levels of antisperm antibody, a type of protein produced by the immune system which can destroy healthy sperm.