How to enjoy deep sleep without sleeping pills

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Deep sleep is slow wave sleep, it is crucial for memory, physical renewal and hormonal regulation. It decreases with age and this can leads to memory loss.

New research says pink noise stimulation during sleep like water fall can boost memory and ability to remember past events.

Pink noise is like white noise, it is audible to humans, and it’s a type of sound in which every octave carries the same frequency.

Deep sleep is an innovative, simple and safe non-medication approach that may help improve brain health.

The degree to which slow-wave sleep improved correlated with the degree of improvement to memory, showing that deep sleep remains important even in older age.

Researchers matched gentle sound stimulation with an adult
brain waves, and timed it to enhance synchronisation of neutron activity.

The researchers believe pink-noise stimulation could be easily recreated at home. According to the National
Institutes of Health, older adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

Researchers examined adults over 65 years and discovered 13 per cent of men adults, 36 per cent of women take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. Good sleep can improve quality of life, sticking to a sleep schedule can help.