Cause and prevention of pterygium

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Pterygium is a growth that develops on the conjunctiva membrane that covers the white part of eye. It is a non cancerous growth that look like a wedges and it can extend to the cornea.

Too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can lead to the growth of pterygium, it is common among people living in warm climates. Regular exposure to pollen, sand, smoke and wind can also increase the risk of developing pterygium.

Common symptoms of pterygium are redness, blurred vision, itching, eye irritation and burning sensation. Large pterygium can cover cornea and interfere with vision. It can lead to severe scarring on cornea, eye drops or eye ointments that contain corticosteroids can reduce inflammation caused by pterygium.

Pterygium can be removed by surgery if eye drops or ointments is not effective, Surgery is recommended when it causes loss of vision or astigmatism.
Use sunglasses and hat when you are walking under sunlight to minimize the risk of developing pterygium.