Facts about body fat

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Fat is known as adipose tissue, it is a hormonal and metabolic processes. Adipose tissue stores energy, regulates metabolism and insulin in the body.

Body fat is divided into two; essential and storage fat. Essential fat is needed for daily activities while storage is stored under the skin. 

Fat is an excess calories stored in the body, it produces hormones that human body need to function properly.

Fat loss affects metabolism; low fat in the body will leads to low levels of leptin. Less leptin reduces metabolism.
Limiting calorie intake reduces fat and decreases appetite.

 Fat can be created without food, when body needs new fat cells, stem cells will change into fat over bone or muscle cells.

Fat is stored in the body in the form of triglycerides, free fatty acid FFA.  It secretes different hormones. Too much or too little fat can increase the risk of diabetes

Excess fat can increase the risk of developing cancer; fat secret hormones that aids cancer growth. Dieting can not reduce fat cells, human body has 15 to 35 billions of fat cells.