Foods for healthy heart

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Lutein is a xantrophyll-  yellow pigments from the carotenoid family, it is present in brightly coloured vegetables and fruit like yellow and red peppers, kale, carrots, broccoli and spinach. It can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.

Poor diet increases inflammatory processes in the body. Inflammation is a major factor in many types of coronary artery disease, such as myocardial infarction, lutein has ability to protect tissues from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Regular intake of healthy diet can reduce risk of developing cardiovascular heart disease. High blood concentrations of lutein can reduce coronary heart disease, stroke, and metabolic syndrome.

Lutein is absorbed and stored by the cells of the immune system in the blood.
The higher the level of lutein in the blood, the lower the level of inflammation in the body. Lutein treatment lowers the inflammatory activity of the cells.