Depression changes the structure of the brain

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Depression is a mood disorder that causes a regular feeling of sadness, rejection, sorrow and loss of interest. It affects feelings, thinking and behavior.

The recent scanning study shows how depression changes the structure of brain by causing alterations on white matter that contains fibre tracts that enable brain cells to communicate with one another by electrical signals.

White matter is a key component of the brain’s wiring and its disruption has been linked to problems with emotion processing and thinking skills.

Scientists used a cutting-edge technique to map the structure of white matter and discovered that white matter integrity was reduced in people who are depressed but normal in the group of people that are not depressed.

 Symptoms of depression are low mood,  feelings of emptiness, forgetfulness, fatigue, restlessness, anxiety, worthlessness, helplessness, insomnia, loss of interest in activities and thoughts of suicide.