New blood cell indicates autoimmunity

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Sjögren syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of the eyes and mouth. Other symptoms are- dry skin, a chronic cough, vaginal dryness, numbness in the arms and legs, fatigue, muscle and joint pains and thyroid problems.

Patients with these syndrome have a significant increase in T follicular regulatory cells Tfr. These cells are usually found in lymphoid tissues, where they regulate antibody production.

 Their is an increase of this type of cell in patients with excessive antibody production. Researchers compared Tfr cells in the blood and in the tissues where antibodies are produced (tonsils obtained from pediatric tonsillectomies), provided evidence that blood Tfr cells are immature, not able to fully suppress antibody production.

Such immaturity was confirmed by studying blood samples from other patients with genetic defects. Exposure of healthy volunteers to flu vaccine led to an increase in blood Tfr cells, in line with their generation during immune responses with antibody production.

Blood circulating Tfr cells are distinguished from other circulating lymphocytes by two molecular markers, CXCR5 and FOXP3, the first of which endows these cells with the ability to migrate into specific zones of lymph nodes, where they may complete maturation and regulate antibody production.