Causes of abdominal fat

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Excess abdominal fat may be the result of excess consumption of sugar and simple white carbohydrates. However,
sleep deprivation, stress or wrong exercise can leads to abnormal fat.

Having abdominal fat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart problems.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, plays a part in laying down central adipose tissue. You can avoid stress by engaging in yoga practice and mindfulness to your daily routine.

High-sugar diet can increase abdominal fat, cut down on sugar, saturated fats and white refined foods such as white bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, as they metabolise quickly, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels that promotes fat storage.

Eat more of lean meats, vegetables, fruits, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in nuts and avocados. Avoid eating fruit after a meal, as fruit can cause food to ferment in your stomach, leading to bloating and lots of gas.

Fat can play a vital role in weight loss, by slowing the release of nutrients into the bloodstream, add little fat to your meal. Hormonal disruption can affect fat distribution, seek medical help.