Schizophrenia disrupts the brain’s communication system

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Schizophrenia disorder is a systemic disruption to the brain’s communication system. The white matter- fatty brain tissue enabling neurons to talk to each other. The study displaces a theory that schizophrenia manifests due to wiring problems in only the prefrontal and temporal lobes. These front-facing areas of the brain are responsible for personality, decision-making and hearing perception.

Schizophrenia is a disorder where white matter wiring is frayed throughout the brain, researchers found that frayed communication cords were present throughout the brains of people with schizophrenia, the poorly insulated wiring was most evident in the corpus callosum, which allows for communication between the brain hemispheres and in the frontal portion of the corona radiata, a key structure for information processing.

Schizophrenia has a biological effect on the entire brain. Current medical treatment for schizophrenia addresses only symptoms because the causes of the disease are still unknown. Many patients are asked to take antipsychotic drugs for the rest of their lives. Some individuals experience side effects such as significant weight gain, tremors, emotional numbing or extreme drowsiness.

Researchers analyzed the data people with schizophrenia and healthy people from Australia, Asia, Europe, South Africa and North America. The researchers examined data from diffusion tensor imaging, a form of MRI that measures the movement of water molecules in the white matter of the brain. These scans allow scientists to locate problem areas in the brain’s normally insulated communication system. Schizophrenia is partly hereditary, so perhaps specific genes promote the disorder through slight alterations in brain wiring.