Improper chewing of foods can cause choking

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Laughing or talking while eating is the primary cause of choking, throwing objects into the air to then catch in the mouth, and cutting food up into perfect circles for children can also contribute to choking.

Choking can prevent speaking, crying, coughing and breathing which can leads to unconsciousness and death.
In such an event the NHS guidance is to give the person five sharp blows on the back, followed by five abdominal thrusts – known as the Heimlich manoeuver .

When someone is choking, no oxygen is reaching their brain. Hence, not chewing food properly can kill within ten minutes. Brain damage is possible after four minutes of choking, while it is expected if the airways have not been cleared after eight minutes.

People who start choking should perform the Heimlich manoeuver on themselves. Using a chair, adults can generate enough pressure to dislodge something stuck in their airways, giving yourself a Heimlich manoeuver could save your life.

If you find yourself choking, find yourself a chair to perform the Heimlich manoeuver, line your abdomen area up to the flat back of a chair for the best way of targeting the airways. Use both hands to grip the chair and then push against it to exert enough force to try and dislodge the obstruction. Chokers should put a bunched fist in the space just underneath their rib cage and tummy button.